라온글로벌은 2014년 중국 무역을 시작으로 다양한 제품을 수입 및 유통하고있습니다.
현재 주요 거래 국가는 유럽, 일본, 말레이시아 등 입니다.
라온 글로벌은 해외브랜드의 국내 유통에 노하우와 전문성을 가지고 있습니다.
국내 주요 오픈 마켓, 소셜커머스, 편집샵, 유통마트 등에 제품을 공급하고 있습니다.
주요 유통분야는 화장품과 패션 분야입니다.
Founded in 2014, Raon Global is a young and eager company based in South Korea. Raon Global is specialized in importing and distribution. We have strong business relationships with many companies all over the world including Europe, Japan and Malaysia. Raon Global's main business is branding and distribution service. Raon Global has become a successful distributor on the major online and offline marketplaces within a few years.
Our main markets are cosmetics and fashion brands.

전맥 / Maik Jun
Maik Jun is the founder of Raon Global.
Prior to Raon Global, he has experiences that working in IT Marketing, CRM and another start-up.
He studied Architecture at Seoul National University.
He's proficient in Korean and English.

김민희 / Minhee Kim
Minhee lived in Japan for 4 years and worked as an exchange researcher in Kyoto and Waseda university.
She studied Sociology at Korea University.
She's proficient in Korean and Japanese.